HZS Ústeckého kraje - poskytování telekomunikačních služeb prostřednictvím mobilního operátora

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail202310126. 04. 2023Vodafone Czech Republic a.s.11 823 874,319 771 796,9511 823 874,319 771 796,95CZK

Published Documents

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List of Participants

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DetailVodafone Czech Republic a.s.Praha9 771 796,9511 823 874,31

Price Actually Paid in Each Year of Performance

2023101202418 668,2315 428,29
2023101202418 547,6215 183,98
20231012024211 023,89170 789,99
2023101202418 681,1715 438,98
20231012024209 265,44168 602,84
20231012024207 567,55168 139,30
2023101202419 069,0915 759,58
2023101202417 985,3114 863,89
20231012024203 229,21165 616,70
2023101202418 522,5315 307,88